Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Children love good food!

Parents do need to understand that children need healthy nutrition and exercise from their birth on up.  The idea of "Oh they are young and they can eat anything," is a bad idea and more of a set up for "issues" as they get older.  

I think it's a great idea to set an example and teach children about the importance of nutrition.  No, we can't guarantee that they will stick to it as they mature, but at least we say we tried.  My thoughts are that even if they end up veering off the "healthy" road, eventually something will bring them back and probably faster than if they did not get the foundation in the first place.  Most people who did not have a foundation have a much bigger struggled trying to figure out how to make a lifestyle change.  

I will say for the record that I am not a perfect parent.  I don't try to strive for perfection but I do strive for some sort of consistency.  I think this is important for a parent to do so that the children will know what to expect on a daily basis, and so that they can depend on us to do right by them.  At times, I do allow my children to indulge in cuisine that is not necessarily "healthy" because I understand that they enjoy the treats... just like I do.  

In the past 24 hours however, I received feedback which confirms that the effort I put forth is the right effort and so I will continue!!!! 

For any parent hesitating to include healthy meals in your children's daily diet, I urge you to reconsider.  They will thank you, maybe not today but definitely tomorrow!  

I give a lot of thought to what I want the children to eat and I try to come up with something PACKED with nutrition, but easy to create.  Last night I made, what I called:  Cream of Chicken Vegetable Soup.    I used a Japanese Sweet Potato to create the base/thickness for this soup because it is amazingly tasty, sweet and healthy - a really nice alternative to the regular sweet potato.  The children loved it a lot, asked for me seconds,  and the best is.... I made sure to make enough so that they could take it to school today for lunch.  That's what I call triple duty!  It's easy, dependable and tasty nutrition...

This morning the children were absolutely loving their Broccoli Omelette!  I made it with Egg Whites, onions, some garlic and a bit of Fresh Parmesan Cheese.   It warms my heart that they can react so happily to this type of breakfast.  I am thankful to be a parent that can do this for them, and even more thankful that they enjoy it! 

Tomorrow morning, back to Steel Cut Oats and fruit! 

Give your children healthy tasty food!  They love it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Turbo Fire is THE best FUN workout!

Watch this short clip! I am at week 11 and just got giddy all over again watching this! Contact me to order this amazing program! http://www.beachbodycoach.com/CoachJacq22

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Health vs Career, an exploration of dedication

Maintaining health for some is harder than staying committed to a 9 to 5 job.   There are many people who easily become dedicated to a job, working in a stressful environment, accepting a less than fair salary and sometimes working more than 12 hours a day, five or more days a week. Making a choice to forego a health program because of the demands of a career is a contradictory and self-sabotaging decision.  If you can discipline yourself enough to show up each day to work to give it all you have and accept someone's idea of "fair" reward, you should truly understand that your mind, body and soul need some sort of healthy, daily nurturing to sustain this type of dedication.

Athletes and fitness folks are revered for being so dedicated to their training and their programs.  People who are dedicated to their health are praised for staying on track.  So we see, the praise comes either way and the common bond is the DEDICATION.   Dedication and commitment are considered positive attributes.  

However, there are some that are so critical and seek to break down those who are committed.  Misery likes company and for certain there are deep rooted issues why people go out of their way to steer others off their journeys.  It may be intentional, selfish, or just misguided.  I remember years back when people would say, "I will be here waiting when you decide to stop all that crazy running.  Don't you worry, you will get old and fat like the rest of us..." Another gem was, "Well, instead of working out in the morning, you should sleep an extra hour."   It does not seem like much, but truly, it's powerful.   The power of people's words to sway you into thinking that what you do for YOUR health is futile, unimportant and that THEY have a better idea for you ??????

Recently, on a daily basis, I have been raving about Turbo Fire and how the workouts are just tremendously energizing and the ultimate way to start the day, but beyond the workout, Chalene gives you a few short words of inspiration at the end of each workout -- something for you to take with you to keep you strong and dedicated until the next time you lace up your sneakers and set your intentions for sticking with your goals. Her words stick with me ALL DAY, and I have even come to memorize a few of them.  

The way I see it, in order to maintain good health and good spirits, it's important to surround yourself with all that is necessary to make it happen.  If you surround yourself with people who are debilitating to YOUR life and YOUR health, then you just may allow them to steer you down THEIR road.   The object is to make it clear to those around you that you value your health and you will address it.  If they respect you, they will respect your choice.  

The next thing is to help those around you so that they TOO can address their health.  

Chalene talks about inviting your friends (and we know they can be at your job too) to work out with you.  Instead of you going to their world, dropping your health program (for what??), invite them to your world.  Let them learn about your dedication.  If you are a dedicated healthy person -- you are a role model.  

Bottom line is your health goes with your career.  You can't have a healthy career without addressing your health.  Your ultimate career is YOUR LIFE.  Stay dedicated and show any and everyone that you will not stop!  

Coach Jacquie 
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Friday, August 27, 2010

You just can't imagine...

Our group started Week 3 today and it truly gets better every time!  Turbo Fire is the most fun way to workout and get great exercise - Serious exercise! Great music! Great instructor! Come talk to me about this workout...I will help you!

Coach Jacquie
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Do you have all-over protection? A MUST READ!!!!!!

This morning a thought came to mind about how we tend to make sure we are safe and protected in many different ways.   There are things and people that we deem so important to us, that we take all the necessary precautions to secure them.  Some people have great security systems on their homes and cars because they value these things and the monetary investment is huge, and they want to know that they can remain safely in tact.  

For some of us, in our relationships and friendships, we make certain to protect what we have by giving our best respect and love to those that matter to us, in an effort to keep the union going strong for as long as possible.  Some even vow to make huge sacrifices, even give up things that they may enjoy, if it can reassure them that their relationship will have staying power.

You can see where I am going with this right?   Maybe?

I enjoy encouraging people to stay on track with their health programs because the rewards of being consistent tend to renew themselves over and over, and at times when you are least expecting it.  It's priceless.   When I look around and I continue to hear the success stories about people who transformed their lives, I know it's real.  Being committed to good health practices is the best investment.   Your rewards are limitless. 

There are times though, that even the "best of the best" dedicated souls falter and have those days, weeks, even months (few and far between) that they don't have the motivation, somehow got sidetracked, perhaps got sick or injured, and they just can't seem to "shake it off" and get back on track.   Or it could just be:  You had a bad day, or  way TOO much fun over the weekend and your body just feels toxic from head to toe and the idea of doing an Insanity workout, or Yoga X is the last thing you THINK you need.

But guess what?  Bad day, illness, too much partying... that's when you need to fall back on your PROTECTION.  The protection is your health program.  It's your ALWAYS .."GO-TO" guarantee that you will get better, get stronger again, get happy all over again, rid your body of the toxins, and feel a huge sense of satisfaction and security.  If you are especially in a bad place, emotionally, psychologically.... you need to protect yourself, by taking good care of your mind, BODY and soul, otherwise, your resistance will be lowered, and that is when you spiral DOWN into the abyss! 

This past weekend was a doozy for me.  Non-stop going and going with the kids, from one friend's house/pool/BBQ, to another.  The kids were happy (with their normal "kid" moments that can drain any person/parent) and so I was happy, but it was exhausting.   In between all that fun, I still worked out, still did chores, cooked, entertained as well, and by Sunday night, I felt like someone ran over me with a bulldozer. 

Yesterday morning (Monday) I peeled myself out of bed at 4:45 a.m.,  and I certainly felt like ditching the workout.  I felt like "owing" myself a time-out.  I felt like saying, "Oh all that running around was like working out."  But I opted not to. 

Why?  Well, for starters, I committed to myself to do Turbo Fire and P90X for the next 12 weeks, and coming off of a blemish-free record doing Insanity for 63 days, I know in my heart, that this is very possible, short of a natural disaster or some other monumental disturbance. 

Yesterday, I also knew that my workout was VERY SHORT..... 40 minutes.  If I could not commit to 40 minutes for the benefit and protection of my health, what was I telling myself?  I am worth the time. 

I also committed to my group, who is doing Turbo Fire, that I would keep them going and I am setting the example and standing by my word. 

I will be very honest, the workout yesterday was not my best performance, but thank goodness Chalene and Turbo Fire are so much fun that you can hang in there some kind of way and smile because it's a truly fun workout.   When I finished, I was so happy.  Happy to get it over and done with, AND, so happy that I did it!  Check off on the calendar, "workout done!"  It's hugely gratifying!

Today, I wondered, "Am I back?  Am I stronger today?  Have I recouped from the crazy weekend?"   Well, after 55 minutes of Fire 55 EZ and Chest and Back from P90X, I can say, "I have recouped."  I was not quite sure until 20 minutes into the workout. 

That's what sticking with your health program provides for you --  PROTECTION.   

You are not going to break.  You are not going to die.  You are going to benefit from being consistent.  Whatever is happening in life, can be put on hold for a few minutes, an hour, so you can get that GREAT FEELING.  It lingers long after you have finished working out. 

And guess what else happens?  You feel proud of yourself.  You smile.   You feel your worth. 

Avoiding or postponing your health program puts you at a great health risk.   It's a risk that affects your body and your spirit.  If you don't treat it quickly, it can spread.  You are at risk to catch the following ... and more:

Insecure feelings about yourself
Susceptibility to bad eating and excessive other things
Weight gain
Weakened immune system
Acknowledgement from others who don't workout that you are ok because they have company now...

These are just a few. 

Just like you pay for that car insurance, the home security alarm, the trustworthy babysitter, the top quality cellphone ---

Just like you plan out those wonderful romantic moments with your lover, or those great activities for your children....

You need to take time, and SPEND a little bit of it protecting yourself --- protecting your health! 

Aren't you worth it???

Coach Jacquie

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fired UP for this new challenge!

Insanity was amazing.  Get fit or get out!!!!  If you stick with it, everyday, you do get fitter!  In a mere 63 days, you transform, not only your body and level of fitness, but also your attitude about what is possible ... in LIFE!  I highly recommend this program (as long as you're healthy) because it can work wonders in a very short 2 months time! 

Today officially starts a new challenge with a new group of excited folks!  We started Turbo Fire today and will be supporting each other for the next 12 weeks.   Turbo Fire is very different for all the other workouts Beachbody has -- it is a very fun-filled AND high impact program.  It offers all you want while trying to get in shape or improve the shape you are already in. 

I honestly believe that fitness, like anything else in life, should be balanced.  Just like how we have to go to work to eat and live, we also go to work to be able to enjoy whatever we like.  An effective fitness program should include some not-so fun, but very necessary exercises, and some fun-filled, smiling inducing exercises too.  When you can achieve this, you are more likely to appreciate what you are doing and to get the best results.

Chalene Johnson, the designer and ultimate motivational trainer of Turbo Fire, keeps you going.  She addresses everything you are thinking about, before you even think it!  The Fire and HIIT workouts are fast paced, but energized by cool music mixes and you catch on to the transitions pretty fast... you have to be PATIENT with yourself and BELIEVE!  You can do this!   It's real exercise, flavored with kickboxing, dancing (if you want to), plyo, strengthening, core workout.. and more!   The workouts move fast, and they range from 10 minutes to 60 FAST minutes.  You are having so much fun, before you know it, you are done!

I did say that the group officially started today, and so you are probably wondering how I know all of this about the workouts ...???   I pre-screened them last week so that I could know what to expect and be able to answer people's questions and get them through the next 12 weeks.  I do this to give my clients a sense of comfort, and to help them understand what to expect. 

I love to help people to stick to their goals when they commit to a program.  I enjoy checking in to see if anyone is having any issues, struggles, questions, or just being a cheerleader!   I encourage my clients to keep me in the loop about their progress. 

The biggest obstacle is to get past the thoughts that may stop you from taking the step to get healthy or healthier.  Everyone has an excuse, but the excuses will never help you get healthy.  Once you get it going, you will realize that you are doing the right thing, and those former excuses don't matter anymore... and I am happy to keep you going!

Come and step into the Fire with us!  Contact me to get this workout program, or any of the other FANTASTIC Beachbody programs like Insanity, P90X, Chalene Extreme, Turbo Jam and tons more, and I will instantly become your FREE Beachbody Coach, and we can get in shape together!  

Coach Jacquie

New challenge Turbo Fire - Turbo FUN

This is beyond fun fitness - ask me about it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A surprise gift!

Who does not like surprises?  Good surprises that is.... getting something you don't expect, but really appreciate, and feeling overjoyed?  What about surprises that keep happening?  Those are the best.  You stand there in amazement saying, "Wow, more?  Again?  This can't be happening!"

That's about how I feel with Insanity.  It's more than just a workout.  It's truly a journey, a challenge, a conditioning, an awakening, all leading to wonderful surprises.  You can't predict what will come next.  At first, you start with it, and you think, "this is insane, how can I keep up with this?"

Shaun T is not just spewing hot air.  There is a method to the madness.   This is not like signing up for some regular class at the gym, or a run and getting the same results, possibly no results, possible boredom, possible improvements.

The workouts are so nicely scheduled, differently each week, a recovery day, a rest day, a conditioning day, and then a couple days where you truly TRAIN that body of yours from head to toe, taking it to another level.

There is no other way to get into BETTER shape.  You have to train strategically, and you have to have patience and not question the process.  Today you may do a workout and think, "Wow, I don't know if I can keep up with this everyday for 9 weeks."   Tomorrow you come back, positive attitude, ready, willing and able, and SURPRISE!!!!!  You have an improved workout, just like that!  Out of no where!  How did that happen?  You did not believe in yourself.  Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

There is no workout program that can turn you into an overnight sensation.   I can speak from experience.  I used to run a lot.   Some days, months straight, I would run and run... and run and do fine.  Some days, I would not do so fine.  Though I ran, it did not mean I was perfectly fit.   I was a good runner.  Wonderful.   But what about becoming a better runner.  What about being more in tuned to your body?  What about knowing if you needed to hurdle or leap over a fence you could?  What about knowing and believing you can sprint out the last 200 yards of a race that you are running at maximum intensity even though you have already run 5 or 10 miles??

What about not feeling typical aches and pains because you have trained so well that you now notice they don't happen anymore?  What about not feeling apprehensive (it's all in your head) because you KNOW your body can do what you need it to do?

Rochelle started this Insanity challenge with me 43 days ago (only 20 to go, less than 3 weeks) and we have not missed a day.  Some days I am up very early, get on Facebook and send her a message, "Workout done!" along with a short note about how I did, ie.  "workout was better," or "wow, that was crazy, my in and out abs are not perfect but I hung in there."  Some days, she is up before me, and she sends me a message, "Workout Done!" along with her tidbits, feelings, etc.

Being that this is our first time on this journey, we quickly realized that it was going to be helpful to support one another, encourage one another and listen to each other's mindset/challenges.  We have our similarities and we have our differences and it's all good!   This journey and all of our feelings/thoughts, just mirrors life in general.  Some things are easier than others but you just deal with the easy and the not so easy, and it makes you a stronger person.  Life. 

Bottom line, we made a pact to keep each other going and we are doing just that.  When you decide to take on a new challenge, it's good to enlist a buddy to keep it going.  Others, of all sorts of fitness levels, have done Insanity and so we decided we can too... and we will succeed.

Each day is not the same.  Some days are truly challenging.  Some days it's hard to get up and get motivated to do an insane workout.  But, we also know it's 1 hour or less and a 1 hour investment to get a surprise gift (over and over) ... is well worth the sacrifice!

I had a great weekend spending time cooking, hanging with my lovely children and close friends, eating, sipping on lovely summer cocktails, going to bed later than normal, trying to cope in the blazing hot humid weather.  It's enough to make you think, "can't workout."  No!!!! Not true!!! At this juncture, the workouts are WORKING and there is no reason whatsoever to skip a workout or to replace it with something else.  That will not help.  It will hurt.  We are happy to get up and workout every morning as scheduled, and the workouts are going GREAT.   I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am giddy knowing that the end is near and I will be able to say, "I did it!!!!"

We have come this far with a lot of deep digging and pushing and we are not turning back. 

If you want a true challenge and a chance to become fitter, I can help you get through this.  Contact me. You have to shed those negative thoughts.  Shed the desire to let anyone or anything sabotage your plans.  1 hour a day or less, 6 days a week is nothing.  It's worth it.  You are better and stronger than you can ever imagine and Insanity will help you to realize that. 

You will get fitter, physically, emotionally, and mentally!

No skipping workouts.   No complaining.  Just get in it, and do it.

Coach Jacquie 

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Insanity Challenge is AWESOME!

As a Beachbody Coach, I truly love all the workouts Beachbody offers and I wish I could do them all, but I can't.  I won't say never, but for now, I truly have my favorites.  For over a year, I was a die hard, P90X fan, did 3 rounds along with Turbo Jam, running and some other exercises.  

I never thought I needed "Insanity" but I can honestly say, I was short changing myself in so many ways.  It's more than an insane cardio-fat-burning-body-sculpting routine.   It is an amazing, enlightening experience.  They call it the 60-Day challenge and it is appropriately named because you are put to the test of will, discipline, trust, understanding and much more.  I completed Day 12 today and I am in love with the results thus far.  I have simplied this journey.   Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and keeping a very open mind.  I just listen to Shaun T and DIG DEEP!!!!!  That's all it takes! 

I have also come to realize that being a mother of 2, mid-40s, means nothing when it comes to fitness.  Fitness is not about age.  I never focus on my age because it has no bearing on what I do.  I do what I enjoy, and I am so thankful that I enjoy being energetic.  

If there is anyone who wants to try this, but you are still on the fence thinking it's too hard, I invite you to let me coach you through this.  Your mind is your biggest obstacle.   Make the decision, commit and you will succeed.  You just need a friend to get you through.

Enjoy the pics of some of the cuisine I have been preparing.   These recipes are quick throw togethers to prove that you can eat very healthy while balancing a busy lifestyle!  I will continue to share more recipes !

After Insanity is over, I can't wait to try the new Turbo Fire!  Beachbody, keep these amazing workouts coming!!!!  

Coach Jacquie
Contact me for help!

Roasted Garlic Salmon on Bed of Zucchini Stir Fry

Pink Grapefruit and Avocado Salad

Hearty Mandarin Chicken Stir Fry with Brown Basmati Onion Rice

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Come and get your INSANITY!

Let's work out together! Come on!
 Let's start together next week!  Order your Insanity today and get fit for summer!

Coach Jacquie

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easy way to eat and manage your weight!

There are various reasons why people have a hard time balancing a good nutrition program with effective exercise.  Some are:

1.  Busy lifestyle
2.  Job/career
3.  Lack of knowledge about food and exercise
4.  Challenges in breaking certain habits
5.  Finances
6.  Obstacles:  Partner, children, other people in general

These are just a few and are most likely the biggest hindrances in winning at the health game.  Not only that but, everywhere one turns, there is information about how to eat and how to exercise.  Too much information, quite frankly.  I think people just throw their hands up and decide not to bother.

But you have to bother, otherwise, you will struggle with your health for life.  It will be an obstacle on a daily basis.  If you have certain issues (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess body fat, headaches, etc.) you need to address your health in an EFFECTIVE way.  I know this is a challenge!  

I did my own experiment and I can tell you this firsthand, if you are looking for an EASY solution, this is what you should do:

1.  Time is limited, so you need to exercise effectively.  A total body program you can easily follow is the best solution.  Just walking everyday will not give you the body you desire.  Walking is wonderful, but it does not strengthen you in ways that you want to be strengthened.  Exercise has to be comprehensive to give you a TRUE change in the way you look, in the way your clothes fit, and in the way you FEEL overall.  Effective exercise can change the outcome of your doctor's appointments in DRAMATIC ways!   Shock your doctor and get off the medications!

2.  What to eat?  If you are on the go, managing life, a career, it's difficult to figure out how to eat everything your body needs.  Stop the guilt about being able to get this right.   Also, banish the myths about needing to sit down and eat big fat meals with food piled high on a plate.   Most of the time, what you end up eating (and eating too much of) is more so a CRAVING and not a true fulfillment of hunger and nutrition.  I know without a doubt, that after you finish those huge meals, you feel terrible.  You feel sluggish, guilty, incapable.  You say, "I'm tired,"  "Oh it's been a long day!" Or even, "I need to retire.."  Perhaps..."I'm too old for this." 

That's your body and the food talking to you like that.  You probably hear other people saying these things too, so you feel normal right?  That is not normal.  

When you exercise, your body, your muscles, need certain foods to make it operate effectively.  If you feed your body what it needs, you will be able to get fitter faster.  The fitter you get, the happier you will be.  Most likely the happier you are, the less you will look to the WRONG foods to fuel your body.   You won't get those negative messages anymore. 

So what is the answer for the person on the go with time constraints??

A great SHAKE that packs IDEAL nutrition.   SHAKEOLOGY!!!   When you start drinking a shake or two a day, you will seriously notice how much better you feel.   Everywhere, you will notice a difference.  You will be more energized, experience more clarity, more regularity, less craving, improved health.   The SHAKE has a certain magic that helps you to STOP wanting to eat the wrong foods.   You won't want to chase a shake with a fast food burger.   You will start to crave fresh fruits, veggies, lean protein.   Most of all, you will enjoy the lighter feeling that you have.  You just will.

There is no easier way to pack your body with great nutrition if you are a busy person.  Best of all, it tastes great!  This is a shake packed with REAL whole goodness -- no garbage!

That's my simple plan., and it works. 

Within a few days, you feel remarkable.  You say to yourself, "I prefer this feeling over the other feeling."  You will prefer not worrying about what to eat.  You will feel more alive.   You will not feel as stressed. 

It works.

Give it a try!  Why not?  Isn't feeling better your first priority??

I can help you to achieve the health you want!  

Coach Jacquie

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Usher and UCML!

Usher is back and Tony has helped him!

Did you catch him on American Idol last week?  He is as talented as ever and so energetic!

Usher is onto something and we can thank Beachbody and Tony Horton for the opportunity to do it ourselves.

Contact me for great workout recommendations and FREE Coaching!
Coach Jacquie

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your Beachbody Coach is your GO-TO person!

It's a Beachbody Philosophy and I love it!  If someone purchases a wonderful home workout program, nutritional products, or accessories from Beachbody, they should definitely sign up with a Coach. Your "FREE" Coach is an asset to you in many ways.   It is probably one of very few Health and Fitness companies that has such a great system in place.  People truly helping people.  Beachbody has a terrific system for those who don't know anyone personally to ask to be their Coach, and they set you up with a Coach.

Sometimes people feel lost in the shuffle and this is to be expected.  It may seem a bit "strange" to be coached by someone you don't know well, even if the person seems great.  If you get signed up with a Coach that you don't feel a GREAT connection with after trying, you should definitely try to find another Coach who will meet your needs.  I believe we all have different personalities --- Coaches and Customers alike.   Some people do indeed need a certain TYPE of Coach in order to keep their programs going. 

Recently I found out that a family member of mine has been a Beachbody customer for years (hooray for her, she obviously knows quality) but she had no true relationship with her "assigned" Coach.   When she learned that I was a Beachbody Coach, she happily wanted to switch to have me as her "free" Beachbody Coach.

There is no problem with this especially if you have NO contact with your present Coach and would like to have a Coach who is willing to give you more attention, information, motivation, etc.   It's important to do ONE very important thing:

Get in touch with Coach Relations at Team Beachbody and put in a FORMAL REQUEST to have the change made, include the name of your present Coach and the name of the NEW coach that you want.   It must be done through them, via email.   It's that easy!  

If it's what you WANT, your Beachbody Coach should be your GO-TO person because they will truly help you to achieve your goals.    They understand what you are going through.  To take it a step further, a GREAT Beachbody Coach may just inspire you to become a GREAT Beachbody Coach too!

This Beachbody Coach fully cares about all of her customers/team members!  I want to know how you are doing, and if you need daily, weekly, monthly inspiration, I am here for you!

Coach Jacquie
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How many exercise videos does a person need?

As many as you like!  There are no rules about how many you should get or need.  I think it's great to build a library of amazing workouts as it allows you to have a variety and to be able to change things up whenever necessary.   You can have certain workouts that you love to do by yourself, with friends, with your children, with the grandparents...something for every occasion and everyone!

The 30, 60 and 90 day programs that Beachbody offers are amazing and definitely take the guess work out of what to do in order to get healthy and fit AND to maintain it once you have achieved it.  There are also programs that are "extras" to an original program, such as P90X Plus, or the extra Turbo Jam workouts, that truly help you to continue with more options to stay fit or to even INCREASE what you have already achieved.

When you build your own library of workouts, you are able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.  Many times you crave a certain workout at a certain time and if you belonged to a gym, you may not be able to get to the class of your choice, but having the ability to do it at home, makes it's less stressful to get it done. 

Some people buy a program and then they see another new program has come out and they think to themselves, "Great!  What should I do?  I already purchased one a few months ago!"  That's ok.  Buy the new one too, especially if it's from Beachbody and it looks effective and fun!  Why not!  Now you will have something to look forward after you finish whatever you are doing now.   If you are happy with your level of fitness, just mix the new workout in with the one you are doing.  Do them on alternating days!

Take it from me, I bought P90X more than 3 years ago and who would think that 3 years later it is more popular than ever???  Who would think the commercials are still going strong??  Probably because it is indeed a truly effective home fitness program ... it works!  

P90X is great but there are other fantastic programs too like, Insanity, Brazilian Butt Lift, Rev Abs, Tony's One-on-One, 10 minute trainer, Kathy's Project You for people with Type 2 diabetes, and many,many more!  Just imagine building your own amazing home exercise library with dozens of great workouts that you can do.  

One thing I know for certain is that the best way to stay fit is to be able to keep your program exciting and having an array of videos is a great way to do this.  Beachbody has truly come up with different programs that appeal to different people and that is key! 

So, your question was, "how many exercise videos does a person need?"  As many as you like in order to stay fit, happy and healthy!

Coach Jacquie
Independent Team Beachbody Coach